Free Version

You can use Axeptio for free if you don't need our premium features like graphic customization, and the consent registry.

You can use Axeptio for free if you don't need our premium features like graphic customization, and the consent registry. Our prices are detailed here :

1 - Video Presentation

2 - Configuration Details

Go to Axeptio to create an account

Click on Log in or Try for free

If you have several websites, your login information (ID and password) will be the same for all your websites.

You get to the authentication page and you will have to either create an account by clicking on "create an account", or log in with your Facebook or Google account.

Once it's done, you get to an agency back office which is empty, but allows you to centralize all your projects.

You get to the configuration of your cookie management tool and you need to type your email address without the https:// then click on next

In the integration part you will find the SDK, which you will need to enter on the footer of your website

The SDK can be loaded in the<head> tag or added before the closing of the<body>tag. For a better performance, we suggest you use the second method, which enables the script to start the parsing of the page's elements as soon as possible.

If your website is multilingual, you can set up different versions of cookies. A new feature will appear in the SDK. The line you need to add is :

window.axeptioSettings.cookiesVersion = 'version_1_FR';

For further information refer to this section :

If you do not know how to integrate it on your website, you can consult the redirection below

You can then choose the pre-configuration of your cookie management:

The Audience and Advertising Measurement is a pre-configured cookie version with a welcome screen and a consent screen with two pixels by default : Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. This is a configuration we found very often that enables you to follow your Analytics and link your website to Facebook

Once this is done, your cookie configuration is generated automatically and all is left to do is click on "publish" then "confirm"

Once you do this, your cookie version will be online. You can now go back to your website worry-free :-)

Connection between the cookies and your Axeptio version

Once you finalize the configuration of your version, you can get to the "technical integration" step to link your Axeptio version to your cookies. To do this, you have two types of integration possible

The integration with tag manager enables you to simply define a trigger to launch the cookies by clicking on your Axeptio widget. For more information, you can see :

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