
Make your Typeform cookies fully comply with GDPR

Create an Axeptio account

Sign in or Log in to your account here : admin.axeptio.eu

Create your first project

Click on the + button to create your first project or choose one existing project in your list.

Write the URL of your Typeform

This URL is provided by Typeform in the "share section"

Custom script

Here is the custom script provided by Axeptio. You need to placed this code on all pages (in the footer section).

Add our tag in Google Tag Manager

Typeform recommend to use Google Tag Manager to add your custom snippet codes into your Typeforms. Is this your first time using GTM ? No problem, we help on account creation.

To place to code provided by GTM, you need to use this plugin

Once it's done, you'll be able to easily add our code on all pages by adding a custom HTML tag in GTM

Don't forget to click on the submit button to publish your code live

Set up your cookies widget

When a Typeform URL is detected, Axeptio adds automatically cookies dropped by Typeform (as Amplitude and Segment for example).

Don't delete this step if you want to be sure of being fully compliant with GDPR regulation.

If you are using others custom scripts, you need to specify them by adding a new step.

Type the name of the service you're looking for

Create a custom vendor if you don't find it in the list

Ready ?

It's done ! Don't forger to publish the project, on both Google Tag Manager and Axeptio, to see it live on your Typeform by clicking on the Publish Button (Top Right corner)

Want to customize your widget ?

You can dress your widgets to your colors. If you want to do this, go in the "Colors and StyleGuide" Section on admin.axeptio.eu

You will be able to change :

  • The widget position

  • All the colors

  • Border radius

  • Font sizes

  • Font family

This section is only available in the PRO plan. More informations ? Please visit our pricing page : https://www.axeptio.eu/en/pricing

Want to upgrade to the PRO Plan ?

Change your plan, update your billing info in the Billing section > Manage my subscription

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