How to activate your coupon

If you have a discount coupon or code, here is how to activate it

1. Video Presentation

2. Activating your coupon

First of all, you will need to sign in or create your Axeptio account. To do so, click on the "login" button on our website:

Then create your project (if you do not know how, go to Pro Version) or if you have one, log in to activate your coupon :

Once you are on your project, click on "Manage my subscription"

Once you get to your account managing page you will be able to chose what service you want to activate (most of the time it would be our "Cookies Management Platform")

On step number 2 enter your billing info and on step number 3 type your discount code on the "Coupon" section.

You can finally enter you credit card info to finalize your payment.

Your coupon and your account will automatically be activated.

Careful : if you enter an incorrect coupon an error message will appear at the bottom of your screen telling you what the problem is.

  • A frequent mistake would be leaving a space before the coupon code, which often happens when you copy/paste it. You just need to delete this space to solve the problem.

Careful : If you have an "error" message it is probably due to entering the wrong credit card number

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