
You have multiple websites with different languages and you would like to set up your cookie management

1 -Video Presentation

2 - Set up Details

You need to have multiple configurations for your cookie management based on the languages you would like to display.

You can edit the texts and write your message. Then in the management of your configuration, you can write a "version ID" to be able to technically validate the version you want to trigger.

Back office integration

You can specify, in the "integration" part of your back office, on which page you want each cookie configuration to load :

Don't forget to check the RegExp checkbox !

Technical integration

Another way to do so, at the time of the integration of the Axeptio SDK on your website, you will only need to call on the right cookie version depending on the lang attribute present on your website. -> "lang" attribute

window.axeptioSettings = {
  clientId: 'XXXXXXXXX',

if (document.documentElement.lang === 'en-US'){
  window.axeptioSettings.cookiesVersion = 'version_1_EN';

if (document.documentElement.lang === 'fr-FR'){
  window.axeptioSettings.cookiesVersion = 'version_1_FR';

if (document.documentElement.lang === 'es-ES'){
  window.axeptioSettings.cookiesVersion = 'version_1_ES';

(function(d, s) {
  var t = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], e = d.createElement(s);
  e.async = true; e.src = "//";
  t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t);
})(document, "script");

Done 👍 your language management is set up 😍

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