Continue without accepting

You asked for it, we developed it...a bit reluctantly

Your favorite users tend to reject your cookies? Your stats are crashing? Worried about your ad revenue? The "Refuse All" button has become your worst nightmare?

Don't panic, Axeptio has developed a toolkit to boost your cookie acceptance stats. And because some of you asked us, we created a new feature: "Continue without accepting".

You will display this function instead of the « No thanks » button. This feature, for us at Axeptio, is a bit like spinach: we don't really want it but it's good for your opt-in.

It's still less ethical and user-friendly. And if the regulator has opened this opportunity, it will specify over time what is acceptable or not. So, use it with moderation... especially since there are other methods to improve your consent rates

With this new feature, you won’t display a "No thanks" button on the first screen. Instead, you give your users three options:

1/ Accept all cookies;

2/ Choose to allow cookies by major family or even by third-party cookies;

3/ Continue without accepting the navigation. Your visitor will click on the module's logo to close it.

Be careful, legally speaking, not accepting is already a refusal...

How to set up your widget with this new feature?

You can customize your cookie tool in the back office. All you have to do is select the line allowing you to display the famous "Continue without accepting".

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