Publishing the project
If you have set up everything you wanted (cookies, widgets ...), all you have left to do is publish it on your website :)
1. Enable the services you want
If you would like a free version, you can directly publish your project clicking on "Publish" which you can find on the top right corner of your screen. The following article is useful if you want to switch to a Pro version in order to unblock the addition of cookies or screens, save your consents, the customization or the statistics.
To do so, go to My Projects > Manage my formula and click on "Enable" on the projects you would like to publish.
2. Enter your billing information
3. Enter your payment information
4. Confirm and go back to the home of your project
A new button has appeared (yellow button)
If the yellow button does not appear, leave and go back to your project. Our tech teams will be on it to solve this issue...
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