Joomla Integration

You can easily integrate Axeptio with your Joomla website by following the instruction described below.

The step-by-step guide is going to introduce you which actions to take in order to implement Axeptio on your website successfully. You’ll be able to set it up in no time to your site and then getting started with creating and optimizing your Axeptio widgets

Here is a copy of the code provided by Axeptio in the step "integration on your site"

Here's how to integrate your Axeptio account on your Joomla site.

1. Login to your Joomla Admin dashboard.

2. Click on System, then go to the Global Configuration page

3. Change the Default Editor type to "Editor - CodeMirror" on the Site page.

4. Click on the Extensions, then go to the Modules page

5. Click on the New button to create a new module. Then select the Custom type.

6. Insert the Axeptio javascript in the module and change the position of the module to footer then Save it. After you saved the module you can change back the editor type.

Congratulations, you're all set!

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