Pro Version

If you want to provide the best experience possible on your website with perfect graphic customization, our pro plan is the right choice!

If you want to provide the best experience possible on your website with a perfect graphic customization, our pro plan is the right choice! You will be able to stock your consents into our API, and add all your cookies in your widgets.

1 - Video Presentation

2 - Configuration Details

Go to Axeptio and create your account

Click on Login or on Try for free

If you have several websites, your login information (ID and password) will be the same for all your websites.

When you get to the login page you need to either create an account by clicking on "create an account", or login with your Google or Facebook account

Once this is done, you get to an agency back office which is empty, but which enables you to centralize all your projects

You get to the configuration of your cookie management tool and you need to type your email address without the https:// then click on next

On the Integration page you will find the SDK that you will have to enter in the footer of your website.

The SDK can be added on the<head>tag or before the closing of the<body>tag. For a better performance, we suggest you opt for the second method which enables the script to start the parsing of the page's elements as soon as possible.

If you would like to set up multiple cookie versions for your website, a new attribute will appear in the SDK. The line you have to add is :

window.axeptioSettings.cookiesVersion = 'version_1_FR';

For more information see the section "create multiple cookie versions"

If you do not know how to integrate it on your website, you can consult the redirection below

You can then choose Customized Configuration :

3 - Steps to follow in order to create a configuration

Before getting to this part of the configuration it is necessary to have activated the Pro version of your cookies. To know how to do this, you can read this article :

After the previous steps you get to the configuration back office of your cookie management. This screen is composed of three parts : the configuration of the Axeptio steps, the technical management of your cookie version , the advanced configuration to handle the texts and the integration.

a - Version credentials

We start by technically configuring our cookie management :

  • Title : This field enables you to recognize your cookie version as a user

  • Credentials of the version : This field enables you to technically identify your version. You you would like to create multiple cookie versions depending on the language of your website or to do A/B testing, this is the field that enables you to call on to the right version

  • Widget language : This field enables you to pre-upload the texts of the Widget in English to avoid modifying everything. Attention ! At the moment we only have two languages : EN and FR

  • Register the proof of consent in the Axeptio api : This field enables you to save all the consents in the Axeptio processing register. By default Axeptio blocks the use of cookies and they can only be executed if they are accepted, however, to save proof it is necessary to activate the checkbox.

Filling all the fields is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended. If you do not set them all up you could then have displaying issues.

b - The Steps

To choose the set-up of your screens, you need to go to the "steps":

You can then choose among multiple screens. There are two categories:

  • The informative screens, such as the welcome screen or the information screen. Informative screens inform the users that you use cookies for technical purposes or statistics without giving them the choice to accept or not. Attention : to put a cookie in this category, it is necessary to confirm that it does not collect personal data or to previously anonymize it.

A good example for an informative screen is the use of the Google Analytics cookie which becomes essential if we want to follow our statistics. If we had created a consent screen and one of the users did not consent to the Analytics cookie then their visit would not be recorded and all our statistics would be erroneous. Which is the reason why it is usually only presented for informational purposes. Here's how to anonymize Google Analytics :

  • The categories separate the different kinds of cookies and, therefore, of consents that need to be validated by the user. Generally, we differentiate 4 main categories :

Audience measurement, heatmaps, click-tracking platforms also need consent. Only a few audience measurement platforms don't require consent (like Xiti or Mamoto for example). Google Analytics, used on most websites, requires the user consent.

You can choose several screens that will appear one after the other. Usually, we start with an information welcome screen, then we click on "new" to choose a second information screen. The same way, we pick a third screen for user experience.

Now that the different steps are created, we can now configure them :

You can change texts, colors and images for every step by going in its parameters. Thanks to the preview, you can have an idea of how it will look once the widget is integrated.

When your steps are ready you can go to customization or directly "Publish".

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